Friday, January 8, 2010

Blue Ice

A co-worker had left his water bottle in is car for a couple days, and it froze (because it's winter, and that means it's cold outside, duh!). Well, what makes this water bottle different, is the ice froze with a pocket in it, AND it's in an Icelandic Glacial bottle (glacier ice!), AND I photographed it.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Just Chillin'

So, it has been a little chilly here in middle Tennessee lately. In December, we had 60 degree days and I loved it, since I am a tropical blooded person. It was 24 today! I would be happy with 42, but 24 is just crazy. Things freeze at that temperature:

See, I told you so...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Organized Pens??

Now Christmas is over, and so is our busy season. Now it's time to relax and... clean?!?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Project

So, like many other photographers, I have decided to do the picture-a-day thing. Here's my first picture of the new year, after the jump: